How do I do eKYC?

  1. Tap the available amount on the home screen of the app.

  2. Tap “Verify”.

  3. Select an official ID (please make sure you choose the correct one).

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen and take pictures of your ID and face to complete the registration.

  5. Submission completed.

  6. You will be informed when the document review by the person in charge is completed. It may take up to one business day to confirm. During this time, you can close the app without any problems.

*Please note that you may not be able to register if you are wearing items such as a hat, mask, sunglasses or headphones when taking photos. Please remove these items in advance.

*The personal information (name, birthdate, address, etc) registered to your Smartpay account must match with the identification document that you submitted. You can check and change the personal information of your Smartpay account from Account > Personal Information on the app.