Q1. What made you to adopt Smartpay?
A. We try to support as diverse payment options as possible. Since BNPL is becoming popular across the globe, we expected it to boom in Japan as well. We thought we could benefit from the trend by adopting it early.
Q2. How has the integration of Smartpay worked out for you?
A. 1. We see clear order volume increase from those who use Smartpay. 2. We see an increase in the coversation rate by 14%. 3. We offered a 2,000 JPY coupon for the use of of Smartpay for up to 50 customers, and we ran out of all the coupons within 24 hours, beating our expectation.
Q3. What do you like about Smartpay?
A. Once you are registered, you can complete checkout process quickly thanks to the intuitive user interface and the user experience it offers. As a merchant we see Smartpay a reliable company for having SMBC, one of the top banks in Japan, as its investor.
Q4. Smartpay was just launched at that time, and there were few case studies. Didn't you have any hesitance to use it?
A. We are proactive in adopting new technologies, so we never had a hesitance for Smartpay.
Q5. Any last words?
A. We see BNPL on the rise globally, and believe it'll be popular in Japan too. We guess merchants that don't adopt Smartpay could lose advantage for not adopting it just as the merchants who didn't adopt Paypay did. Keep up the great work.
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CHRO | Osugi Kazuma